Australian Birds: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)

The crimson rosellas aren't the only Australian cockatoos who like the pine trees on my morning walk. These sulphur-crested cockatoos were busy proving they *will* chew something other than power-lines (see previous post on these guys).

There were three of them, busy vandalising the top of this pine tree:

Suspect #1, tried to look innocent:

Suspect #2 had a very devil-may-care attitude and kept right on munching:

Suspect #3 proved too difficult to photograph, but Suspect #1 made up for it, by slowly stalking another branch:

I guess he thought if he acted casual, no one would suspect:

And then he struck:

Suspect #2 wanted to know what I was gonna do about it:


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