Books Read in August 2014

Not a lot of reading happened this month—well, not a lot of not class-related reading. Still, I managed to chunk my way through the last Laurell K. Hamilton I own and was pleasantly surprised. This book is something special. Yes, there’s a lot of sex in it, but it all serves a story purpose, and some of those annoying kinks were ironed out—the werewolf boyfriend starts to show grown-up traits, the main character starts to work herself out, relationships are explored and deepened. It’s a book to enjoy, and it’s a book with the added dimension that I was able to learn from it…<sigh> and it’s a book that has made me determined to go out and buy the rest of the series.
It’s also a book, I nearly turned around and started re-reading straight away; there is just so much to savour, so many things the writer does right, so much I should take note of as a writer and apply to my own work.
It is, of course, Incubus Dreams.

You can find out more about Laurell K. Hamilton and her work from:


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