Progress Report: Week 4 August 2014

Busy week this week, but I *did* get some writing done—I even managed to get the minimum 7,000 words done, so I’m pretty pleased with that. I completed the first draft of 365 Days of Poetry with editing time in hand, and I progressed 365 Days of Flash Fiction. Assignments were handed in, and I started on the next ones that are due, because they are quite large. AND I got some photography out of the way, so, overall a good week. And work was good. Now to see what next week brings—and to bring something of my own in return.



New words produced: 7,156
Old words revised: 0
Works completed: 1 major, 18 minor (for inclusion in 3 other works)
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 185

Tier 1 Tasks

  • Annual 13: Added 673 words—COMPLETED
  • Annual 14: Added 3,068 words
  • Annual 23: Added 1,845 words

Publishing Tasks

  • Created 1 blog posts for this blog;

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

  • Annual23: more poetry
  • Poem423—The Blank Page and the Words: a poem about writing;
  • Poem 424—Determination: a poem about keeping to the decisions we make;
  • Poem425—Inspiration: a poem about the challenge of inspiration;
  • Poem426—Changes, Changes, Changes: a poem about the vagaries of life;
  • Poem427—The Pixie and the Fairy Flew: a poem about a deal struck between the good and evil of fairy kind;
  • Poem428—Separated from the Stars: a poem about a stranded starfarer.
  • Poem429—Medilo Overlook: another poem drawn from the annals of Medilo Swamp;
  • Poem429—Medilo Overlook: another poem drawn from the annals of Medilo Swamp;
  • Poem430—Vive la Morte, Vive la Guerre: a poem about war and war mottos;
  • Poem431—Learning how to Fly: another dragon poem;
  • ShortStory353—The Hunter: a piece of flash, urban, science fantasy fiction about a hunter;
  • ShortStory354—The Way Station Survivors: a piece of flash horror fiction set in the world of a zombie apocalypse;
  • ShortStory355—Harbinger: a piece of flash urban science fiction about the start of a resistance;
  • ShortStory356—Recruitment 101: a piece of flash science fiction about an invasion;
  • ShortStory357—Tick Tock: a piece of flash science fiction about a jail break;
  • ShortStory358—Accidental Truth: a piece of flash urban fiction about a writery oops.
  • ShortStory359—The Pixies and the Pirates: more flash urban fiction from the pixie-dust world.
  • ShortStory360—The Irregulars: more flash urban fiction from the pixie-dust world


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