Poetry Challenge—Introducing the Acrostic Form 3: The Calendar Acrostic

Sometimes writers used the months of the year to give them inspiration for verse. These calendar acrostics can use either an abbreviation of the month, or the full name:
JANuary makes all things new
FEBruary is when the work ensures
MARch is full of working cheer but by
APRil the loading seems quite drear
MAY brings cooler weather as autumn dies
JUNe heralds winter and the cold winds fly
JULy is a time for holidays, a mid-year break, exams
AUGust is the coldest part of every year
SEPtember sees schools resume and spring appear
OCTober and the time wears thin before
NOVember and university, senior school ends
DECember is upon us fast, Celebration as the year breathes its last.

Why don’t you give it a try? Try writing at least one calendar acrostic for each day of this week.

You can find out more about how to write acrostics from the following sites:


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