Progress Report: Week 2 July, 2017

Last week saw work continue on Freeman’s Choice to the exclusion of everything else, except the usual round of family activity for school holidays, which kept me pretty busy.

Week 2 Progress

  • New words produced: 2,424
  • Outlines and Notes: 0
  • Works completed: 1 (flash fiction)
  • Works edited: 0
  • Covers created: 0
  • Works published: 0
  • Works submitted: 0
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 737
  • University Prep and Assignments: N/A

Writing News

Last week’s ‘writing’ consisted entirely the final edit for Freeman’s Choice—which I did not complete.

June-July Challenge: Babes in London

Last week saw no progress on that progress. This week will see that rectified.

Ingress Updates

This week’s Ingress consisted of the bare minimum, which is hacking while taking exercise and nothing really strategic. I also started on Operation Recon towards the end of the week, and discovered it’s not a bad writing break, as long as you don’t let it take over.

PokemonGo Updates

This week’s PokemonGo was very bare minimum. Daily spin, daily catch, and opportunities taken on the daily walk, in between ingressing.

Other News

In addition to everything else, I came up with another idea that fits the blog and what I want to do with languages. We’ll see if I can get that off the ground.

Priorities for Week 3, July 2017

This week’s priorities are as follows:

  • Finalise the CreateSpace edition of Freeman’s Choice;
  • Finalise the delivery of Freeman’s Choice to all ebook platforms for pre-order;
  • Final edit and format for C.M. Simpson: Short Works from 2014, Volume 3 (Fantasy & Urban Fantasy);
  • Reseat Babes in London at the start of the work routine for the day;
  • Reseat writing flash fiction and poetry at the start of the work routine for the day;
  • Reseat writing a blog entry at the start of the work routine for the day;
  • Add study time into the work routine for each day.


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