Progress Report: September Overview 2017

This report sums up the writing and study progress for September 2017. It was a pretty busy month.

Overall Progress for September 2017

New words produced: 30,988
Outlines and Notes: 545
Works completed: 3 (2 POLS2070 essays, 1 MEAS2004 essay)
Works edited: 3
Covers created: 1
Works published: 0 (although Shades of Memory paperback was released)
Works submitted: 2 (For assessment: POLS2070 essay, MEAS2004 essay)
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 10,894
University Prep and Assignments: 14,648
Study and Class Hours: 186 hours, 21 minutes – don’t ask me how many I forgot to put down, but it was a lot.

When Aggie Dormain arrives in Canberra to paint some old diggers, she does not expect to meet an out-of-work archaeologist investigating an alien conspiracy, much less to be pulled into an adventure that would give Indiana Jones a run for his money.

Cord thought boarding school was a long way from home—until she was chosen for a traineeship with Bluebirds Mining. After that, who knew where home might be? Or how to get back to it? Or even if she could. With her mind playing tricks on her, and her best friend in the same boat, Cord is in it, but deep. Now, all she has to do is find a way out.


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