An Update and a New Short Story Cover - River's Edge

I'm a little snowed under, right now, but I thought I'd drop in and show you the new cover I designed for August's short story release. I haven't had any time for new words in the last couple of days as I've been deep in the editing and formatting weeds, preparing Mack 'n' Me: The Transporter's Favour and River's Edge for release.

Mack 'n' Me: The Transporter's Favour is now edited and formatted, but will go through an additional beta reading step before being released, so it will be a little delayed, but is coming soon, and River's Edge is edited and formatted, and also waiting beta reading, but looks good for its scheduled release date in early August.

The rest of the week will be focused on preparing all bar the last short story for the year, and starting the fourth book in the Mack 'n' Me 'n' Odyssey series.

And here's the cover, featuring artwork and photographs sourced from the Dreamstime artists: Shsphotography (river), Aphelleon (planetscape), Junichi Shimazaki (space ship), and Evgeniy Piderken (girl) - and manipulated by GIMP:

When my mother told me to run, I ran. I ran all the way to the river and then stopped—because the river was a frightening place, and forbidden by the raiders who came to take their annual toll of settlers. Faced with the choice of being taken, or taking my chances in the river, I took a step back, and hoped that somewhere, across the river I’d find help.


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