First Words—July 15, 2018: C.M. Simpson
First words were completed, today.
Tomorrow, there will be more.
Another 365 Days of Poetry
to the Conquering Queen

Gone! The West Wind weeps. The waves sing
their grief.
Gone! This island is much more barren, now,
without the sibilance of your waving hair.
Gone, the truth of your words, your
all gone with your plotting, your schemes,
and your wars.
Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction
Threat Beneath

The worms came in the morning, millions of
them, rising from beneath the ground and spewing curlicues of dirt. The
chickens went wild, and a feathered feeding frenzy ensued, but I wondered what
was happening beneath my home.
I didn’t step down from the porch—there was
nowhere to put my feet—but I grabbed a broom, and stood by the rail, and
watched to see what happened next. The sun was still a glimmer in the morning
sky, but it was rising, and the worms would burn—and then the chickens
screamed, in desperate drawn-out cackles, as they fled the ground, and raced up
to cluster around my feet, their squawking growing short and hoarse and choked.
Would you like to read more?
Previous collections of flash
Days of Flash Fiction and 366
Days of Flash Fiction—and poetry—365
Days of Poetry and 366
Days of Poetry—are all currently available.
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