New Cover and Completion—Miguel Unmade

Today, I finished a new short story for the Lunar Wolves and Odyssey universe. I started it in November, but only completed it, today, so I decided the cover should be created, too. It’ll go up for release in the next couple of days.
The excellent artwork is from PhilCold at Dreamstime. I only had to add the words and choose how much to show.  

Captured by the space wolves and held aboard their battle cruiser, Miguel doesn’t think things could get worse—and then he discovers he’s sharing his cell with the two psychopaths he’s been trying to avoid. Dragged into their next deadly scheme, he faces two choices—do what they want and live as their captive, or save Earth and die horribly as a result. Either way, he loses. Just how much he loses is up to him.


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