Wednesday’s Verse—The Waking Dead

This is the third new feature for this blog—or semi-new, if you’d prefer, given I’ve touched on it, before. This year, every Wednesday, I’ll be taking a poem from one of my three poetry collections—including the one to be released later in the year—and putting it on my blog as a free read.

This week’s verse is from Another 365 Days of Poetry, a collection of mixed-genre poetry to be released later in the year, once both collection and cover are complete.


The Waking Dead
I heard them screaming

Screaming fit to wake the dead.
The dead?
The sleeping dead.

The sleeping dead who waken
And from their sleeping rise.

The dead that rise to walk the earth.
The Earth?
The ground beneath our feet.

Beneath our feet, as the whole world turns,
the earth that lets them sleep
until the dead do seek to rise,
and with the living, company keep.

You can find the first two poetry collections at the links below - although there are plans to reissue them with more genre-appropriate covers in the future. The third collection will be released later in the year.


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