Friday’s Flash—About Face

Last week we had a short joined-worlds fantasy. This week, it’s a very short piece of military science fiction that forms the February 8th entry in 366 Days of Flash Fiction.
About Face

“Do you want to live forever?”
If I never heard that phrase again, I would be a very happy girl. For now? For now, I shouted ‘Sir, no sir!’ with all the rest, and ran right out into the ambush. When I went down, it was under the Sarge, the machine-gunner and the comms carrier. It was a good thing the tiktaks left the dead where they lay. A good thing, and almost the end of me.
By the time the rescue team arrived I was having trouble breathing; the smell of carrion surrounded me, and the weight of the dead bore down on more than my soul. They all thought I was crazy when they dug me out and I picked up the nearest rifle, sedated me before I got fully to my feet.
Dayum—I wasn’t crazy; I was mad. Some dumb sonuva had dropped us right into the middle of a bunch of hostiles, who’d shot us all to shit. And I wanted to know who, and why. Fortunately, Odyssey take people like me, and then they use our interests to their best advantage. It wasn’t the tiktaks I was itching to kill, but the traitors upstairs.
It was just my good luck that Odyssey needed an assassin for the very same thing.

You can find the first two flash fiction collections at the links below, until the covers are updated. The third collection will be released later this year.


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