Tuesday's Short - The Reptiles' Blade

This week’s short story takes us from an urban fantasy setting of elven intrigue to a science fiction setting where a war veteran finds herself in unwitting possession of an enemy heirloom. Welcome to The Reptiles' Blade.

When Felicity Shannara Jones is ordered by her command to infiltrate a criminal organization using humanitarian aid as a front, she isn’t sure she’s the right girl for the job, but then she finds Mika, second planetary adviser to humanity’s current foe, and she knows things just got serious. When Mika escapes custody, things go from serious to dire in one jet-propelled moment and Felicity, with her field experience against the lizardine, finds herself in the firing line once more.

The Reptiles' Blade is available as a stand-alone short story at the following links: https://www.amazon.com/Reptiles-Blade-C-M-Simpson-ebook/dp/B00G7POM0G/.

You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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