Carlie's Chapter 6 - Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters

LAST WEEK, Simone told Tiger how she'd dealt with a ship full of infected people. This week, Tiger tells Simone that help is on the way - and so is he.

Chapter 6 (Extract) – On My Way

Hey, Simone
I’m fine. We got off the FedExplore base a couple of days ago. The liner that picked us up is called the Sugarsides. Can you believe it? Sugarsides!
I have to admit, though, it is a pretty sweet ride.
That was a joke, Simone. You’re supposed to laugh. I might not be able to see you, but I know you’re not laughing. In fact, you’re probably trying to think of ways to send me to my room, and that is sooo not going to happen.
I just thought you might need a laugh. I know you must be feeling very alone out there, and a bit shaken up by what you were able to do. Don’t be afraid of that. You are still the old Simone to me, even if you’ve been given a few add-ons. I can deal with that. You need to deal with it, too.
I’m glad you managed to get everyone into their stasis pods. We’ll be there to collect the biometric data just as soon as we can. We don’t know what they’ve been infected with. We can’t even try for samples because the complex was destroyed—and I know that had to be deliberate.


The complete series is available as short, individual ebooks, and will become available as an omnibus, later this year. In the meantime, you can find them on this blog, until one week after the last chapter in the last book of the series has been posted, at which point this series will be taken down, and a new series serialised on site.


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