Tuesday's Short - The Soul in the Sword

This week’s short story takes us from a science fiction setting where mythical creatures walk the stars to a world of fantasy where elven raiders ride spiders and ghosts are real. Welcome to The Soul in the Sword.

When an Arach raiding party attacks a wagon train and moves on to take on the next town, Dannon is part of the out-riders who must clean up in their wake. The dead girl on the wagon is just one of many reasons he doesn’t like spiders, or the elves that ride them.

The Soul in the Sword (Extract)

The spider reared, raking down with its forelegs. Allun threw himself sideways, dodging the blade-like spines of one leg and blocking the other leg’s cutting edge with his sword.

The spider lunged after him, wicked fangs flashing, their points gleaming dully in the dawn-light. Allun rolled from beneath them, turning to face the beast and its rider again.

The spider’s rider raised his lance and sliced at the man below him. Allun tried to parry the deadly thrust. His sword flashed up, splintering the lance’s wooden shaft.

His success was short-lived. The lance’s leaf-shaped blade had already smashed its way into his chest, ripping its way through his heart and lungs and making his arms numb with shock. His sword dropped into the grass as his arms fell to his sides.


The Soul in the Sword is available as a stand-alone short story at the following links: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Sword-C-M-Simpson-ebook/dp/B00C8SXC5M/.

You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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