Update: Mack 'n' Me: The Wolves of Alpha 9

Today, I managed another 1,378 words in the end zone of Mack 'n' Me: The Wolves of Alpha 9. My 80,000 word novel has just hit 82,000 words and still has a few thousand to go. I'm still hopeful of a June 15 finish.

Today's extract:


The cub watched me, his ears cocked in puzzlement. “What is wrong with her?”

“The stim pack’s wearing off,” Mack told him, and the kid jerked his head in a single nod.

“Is that what makes her such a warrior?” he asked, admiration making his She frown.

“No. She is already that. The stims just make her faster and stronger for a little while.” Mack grunted as he pulled me more upright and closer to his side. “But they take a toll.”

“So I see,” the cub observed.

His She wound her arm through his and leant into him. “Can I have some?” she whispered, her eyes alight with curiosity.

“No,” Mack told her, and she curled her lip at him, frowning as he went on to explain. “They don’t have dosage that’s safe for a ch… someone your size.”

The correction was fast, but the girl still pouted. I wondered how we were ever going to integrate her into human society.


And that's it from me for today. I've written just over 7,000 words, if you include the work for hire that was completed first - and I get some down time now. I hope your days have been just as productive...and fun. Take care out there.


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