Words from the Editing Process - Mack 'n' Me: Arach

 Today's words are from the third book: Mack 'n' Me: Arach. This edit consisted of minor tweaks such as word order, the occasional typo, and Americanizing the spelling. It took two days to complete. Here are some words from the last day's work:


 I drifted back to consciousness and found myself in the ship’s control center, looking up at the back of Mack’s command chair. Fantastic. Just what I always wanted, a view of the back of Mack’s head. As if he could hear my thoughts, he turned the chair.

“This is my better side,” he said, looking down at me, with the faintest of smiles.

“How are we doing?” I asked, and I didn’t mean him and me, since that implied a relationship that didn’t exist; I meant the ship.

“Well, there’s another ship heading in-system. Askavor says it’s the arach queen, and the vespis want your advice on how best to secure the Shady Marie.”

My advice?

“But it’s your ship!”

“Yeah. Maybe you can explain that, after you get them to secure it.”

“I trust you,” sounded in my head, and I wondered why he’d decided to do a dumbass thing like that. Mack ignored the question.

“Also, you’re special; you’ve now got two escorts.”

I did? I turned my head to take a proper look around. I mean, I knew I was on the floor of the control center; I just hadn’t looked at anything but Mack.

“That’s because I’m the best-looking thing in here.”

I rolled my eyes, and made a note of the two wasps, weaver, boy and dog, sitting and standing not very far away. One of the wasps was a bodyguard looking somewhat disgusted—and somewhat familiar, too. What was she doing here, and not standing near the queen?

“To learn control,” she said, and I heard Tens crack up, somewhere, out of sight.

“The queen thinks if she can work with you for a day without killing you, then she will have all the control she needs.”

Oh, for pity’s sake! Seriously? But the guard confirmed it.


And Tens lost it again. Hell! Even Mack cracked a smile—a whole one, and not the ghostly thing he’d managed before. I decided now was a really good time to change the subject.

“And what are you doing here, Rohan?”

Him and the dog, I noted.

“It’s supposed to keep me out of trouble. The queen thinks if I stick with you, I might learn not to slap every bu… wasp I see.”

Ah, that made sense—and it was clear that Rohan had had the same correction regarding the ‘B’ word, that I’d had. I wondered who had offered to sting him, this time.


Tovy. Well, that was typical. I mean, if you sting one, you might as well sting ’em all, right?



At the time of writing, Books 4 and 5 are waiting for edits and Book 6 requires completion. It's a Wednesday, and I'm aiming at having the editing done by the end of the week.  Of course, by the time you are reading this, I should be writing. Wish me luck.


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