Words From Day 6 - Lunar Wolves: The Unwanted

 Not a lot of words, yesterday. I was planning on a minimum day of 4,000, but completely forgot I had maintenance booked for the air-conditioner - and then I misjudged how long updating a series bible could take, especially when  you've forgotten to do it for a while.

That last is a pretty important task for me, as I roll from one book to the next as it helps me track where the characters came from, and other important things like hair color, siblings, locations and their significance, and the other bits that make the world go round, which means I'm not spending hours writing searching previous books to make sure I get it right. The series bible should be updated daily as I write, failing that, once a month. This one was over by two, and will take a chunk out of today, as well - but not yet.

Yesterday, when it got to close to the end of my day, I set that task aside and made sure I put down at least a thousand words before bed. Here are the details from that.

Starting Words: 13,329

Finishing Words: 14,400

Words Written: 1,071

Other Words:1,779

Other Project/Project Aspects Advanced: 3

Excerpt: In which Oliver and Lewis start the mission proper.


“This flight,” he started, after they’d made the transfer and followed the broker into an elevator. “Where does it leave from?”

To his discomfort, the elevator descended instead of rising to the shuttle pad he’d seen on Nettle’s roof. Lewis shifted uneasily beside him and the guards tensed.

“Stand down,” Oliver told his beta. “We’ve got an errand to run.

Lewis cocked his head. “I’m just hoping we get to run it,” he sent back, and Oliver sensed his wolf laying back his ears. 


Covers by: Mihaela Voicu, Jake at JCaleb Design, and Moonchild Ljilja at Fantasy Book Design


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