An Extract from This Month's Release: Unexpected Release

I've decided to celebrate each release with a series of extracts that run for the month it's released in. This month saw the second edition of 366 Days of Flash Fiction released. Links to the collection can be found at Books2Read at: Today's extract is:

Unexpected Release

Written on October 27, 2015, for the March 11 entry of 366 Days of Flash Fiction, this piece is a return to the world of pixie dust and unicorns.

She drummed her fingers on the table, the dull ratta-tatta-tatta-tat not quite hidden by the beat of the café’s muzak. I might have asked her to stop, told her it was a menace to my concentration, but I wasn’t meant to be under the counter, picking the lock to the cabinet hidden beneath.

Only it didn’t end up being a cabinet; it ended up being a sound-proof pixie cage, and holy shit didn’t the little blokes just fly, the minute I got the door open.

“Waiter!” the woman called, just as the first one leapt free.

Her call distracted the waiter long enough for me to roll out from under the counter, as the pixies swarmed from their prison. I would have wondered if it was deliberate if I hadn’t caught sight of the camera concealed above me, behind a support strut.

I’d thank her later, I decided, making a rapid exit through the kitchen, dodging an angry swipe from the chef as I did so.

Not an exit!” he called after me, as I head into the alley out back. 

Yeah, like I didn’t know that.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Flash Fiction can be found on Books2 Read at:


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