Friday's Flash - An Unexpected Intervention

I write flash fiction and poetry to help me hone my craft...and as part of my story discovery process, and I'll be returning to a regular flash fiction posting as part of my accountability process.

Don't let the name fool you. The flash fiction will be shared on Friday, but it won't necessarily be written then. Today's piece, for instance, was part of Wednesday's writing session, and was another attempt at writing a half-drabble, or a piece of 25-word flash...which is a little harder than it sounds.

It will appear in the upcoming collection, Another 366 Days of Flash Fiction, which will be published in late 2023.

Without further ado, here is today's Friday's Flash offering:

An Unexpected Intervention

The horsemen rode into the apocalypse, four hundred strong…against four thousand. They did not mean to win, only to delay—and then the dragons intervened.


Cover art and design seen below is by Jake at JCaleb Design.


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