News & Videos for May 20

Time for an update. As you can imagine, I've been struggling a bit. I'm still sad at mum's loss, and working through other things that I have to prepare for in the not-far-enough-away future, and regrets...still the regrets at taking a chance on trusting someone, and being let down - again, which will take some time to work through. Despite all of that, I'm slowly getting things together, and working out what my path forward looks like.

In short, it looks lumpy...but not impossible.

In the meantime, here's where I'm at, since Saturday's post:

On the YOUTUBE VIDEO GAME-PLAY front, I'm slowly catching up on the backlog and am now processing and scheduling videos just over a week ahead. As a result, I can now reward channel members with early access to videos as I schedule them. However, no video is locked behind the membership wall and each and every video is scheduled for public viewing, so you can see them at no cost, if you wait for them to release. I am also working on some new videos for some of the games that have recently updated, and will rejig the schedule as I get them processed. These games include:

Swords 'n' Magic and Stuff: which is this week's focus as Kindred Games moves toward a major update, and we explore the myriad of quality of life updates that have been made, and

Garden Paws: which we'll see more of in the coming weeks, and

Dinkum: which I haven't yet started, but am planning to start recording later in the week.

I did try to work on Black Desert Online, but lack the technical know-how to get the game to play nicely with OBS, so until that issue is resolved, I'll work on other things, and familiarize with the game off-screen.

Today's videos are:

Coral Island– Series 1: Blaze – Ep.86: Farming, Diving, &…Oops?

Blaze focuses on farming, with only a short break to go diving and cleaning up the ocean.

Defeating Necromancers, & Farewelling Jofnir – Elder Scrolls Online – S1-Crafter Take 1 – Ep.139

Roselore finishes her hunt for the necromancers threatening the Al’akhir, only to be given a task in troubled Bangkorai, where she completes the Fighters’ Guild questline.


On the YOUTUBE WRITER video front, I am planning a schedule for serializing and releasing video readings of the short stories released this year.

On the WRITING front, not many words have been created, but I need
to start focusing on a short story that passed its audition, and then get back to completing Dark God's Rise, the second book of the Chronicles of a Dark God trilogy.

And, finally, on the PUBLISHING front, I should have the stand-alone version of Rogue Retrieval available on pre-order by the end of the week, but it's been slower going than I anticipated, so this month's publishing goals will be hard to reach...which doesn't mean I'm giving up, just yet...




Oh - and one more thing. A Planet's Ransom, the first book in the Ransomeers series is available for free, if you sign up to the email, in the IASFA's science fiction promotion, this month, which runs to the end of May 23rd, North American time. You can find that promotion here:



That's pretty much it for my May, so far. It's been a long month, and emotionally difficult, but not bad, considering. As for June... Well, what will be, will be. For now, there is only the ability to do what comes to hand, and to do it as well as possible.


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