NEW RELEASE: Dark God Emergent (3RD EDITION)...and some questions answered.

I know, some of you will be thinking this book isn't new. You're right, but the EDITION is new. Long story short, when I began recording readings for my YouTube channel, I found a few things that required fixing, and that a chapter restructure was also needed. That last required a new edition, as did the  updated front and back matter. That new edition released today.


Do I need to buy the 3rd edition, if I already own the second edition? No. The story is essentially the same, but has been organized to provide better flow, and had slight wording changes to clarify meaning, and reduce some phrase repetition.

Is the 2nd edition still available? No. It was removed from circulation 2 weeks ago - unless you find a paperback secondhand.

When is Book 2 coming? The rewrite of Dark God's Rise, Book 2, is complete, and the book is undergoing audio-editing, of which there are 18 chapters to go. That book is penciled in for a January 2024 release date, and will be available on pre-order beforehand.

And Book 3? Don't push it. The rewrite of Dark God's Demise has begun, but I won't commit to a release date until it's at least at the same stage as Book 2. Look for more news on that in coming weeks.

Fine! What's Book 1 About?

Dark God Emergent is a dark fantasy novel, one I would say goes wading over the border into horror. As the blurb says, Dark God Emergent follows the journey of a spymaster’s apprentice, a warrior from the Lands of Ice, and a high priest of the goddess of the night, a wizardess who can tap the realm of magic, and three apprentices of notable power. It also follows the journey of a king suborned by an ancient god, and has us wondering if, with a dark power rising and the gods caught by surprise, can priest, apprentice and warrior save the lives of those sought for sacrifice by a deity from a near-forgotten pantheon?

And Where Can I find it?

You can find links to this newly released edition at the following Books2Read page


If you are one of my ReamStories subscribers, you will find it among the titles you can access, within the next twenty-four hours (since uploading it is the next task on my list). For the curious, my ReamStories page can be found here, and subscribers gain access to my catalogue as I update it:


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