Fireborn Scenario Development - Day 1

In late 2004, I discovered a roleplaying game called Fireborn, and immediately fell in love with the setting. I bought both books, and downloaded the supporting PDFs that used to be on Fantasy Flight Games' website. As I read, I found the system was very different to the d20-based games I had been playing. It had curly bits!

Now curly bits were not a problem and, after a couple of weeks of reading, I managed to wrap my head as around them as you can get without actually playing, and that was where the problem lay.

Everyone I knew was busy playing something else. Living Arcanis and Living Greyhawk were pretty big in my area at that time, and then there was the Camarilla, Magic the Gathering, Warhammer, and real life. Short story - no one had spare playing time, and I struck out on all fronts.

That left me with only one avenue for exploration: writing a campaign, and I had just the idea...

While the Fireborn setting revolved around the concept of adult PCs as reincarnated dragons in human form discovering their identities and adapting to a much-changed world, surely there were those who hadn't grown up yet. Where would they fit into the grand scheme of things? What problems would they face, and how would the PCs become involved with these hatchlings?

It was while I was thinking these things over that "Babes in London" was born.

(to be continued)


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