Update - Progress is Slow

It is. Partly because I'm still kicking my FB habit, partly because my youngest is still, well, young, and partly because I'm trying to cram way too much into each and every day. Call that the habit of a lifetime.

I am torn between a couple of projects. I'm almost too scared to start one, in case the market isn't there when I finish it, or in case I'm just not good enough - yes that would be a young adult novel. This means that as long I only think about what I want to write I'm fine, but as soon as I sit down to actually write it, I go to pieces and every word in my head vanishes.

And the other is some fear about not being able to market what I write, and some not knowing if it'll fit, and some just not being able to choose. So that would be the roleplaying.

I do have a third. Again, it's a plethora of choice, but it's also that I really need to think about the approach for these. They'll have to wait.

As for the rest, I think I'm just going to have to pick one and write.

Nikie doe - just do it!


  1. Cool. Now I've laid my fears out on paper, I'm ready to start. Nikiedoe!


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