Progress Report Week 3 May 2012

Current Projects

RomanceNovel1: Added 2,000 wds.


An Anthology of Dragons is now available on Smashwords and Amazon. I have also made the individual stories and poems in the anthology available, for those who don’t want to buy all of them in the cheaper anthology. Individually published stories and poems from An Anthology of Dragons are:
·         The Duel,
·         Everything has its Price,
·         Duelling with the Dragon,
·         Dragon Coast,
·         The Dragon in my Shadow, and
·         Where be Dragon?

I am currently working on the cover design for Anthology2: An Anthology of Battle, but have completed the cover design, of the individual short stories and poems and the formatting and upload of them to Smashwords. Individually published stories and poems from An Anthology of Battle are:
·         A Vignette for Rashkah,
·         A Window on Salukia,
·         Jacob’s Vision,
·         War’s End,
·         Keeping the Peace,
·         Death at War’s End, and
·         Jalaya.

New Arrivals

Getting up at 4 am must suit the ideas center in my brain. Here’s what arrived this week and has been added to my ‘to do’ list, once the ones in queue are finalised.

CrimeNovel3: Death, murder, mayhem… and a truck!
HorrorNovel1: Another tale about a murderous mannequin.
Picturebook4: Idea that stretches the boundaries of what might be suitable for children monster-wise.
Picturebook5: Idea about a child interacting with mother’s artwork.
Picturebook6: An alphabet book with a difference.


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