Progress Report Week 1 October 2012

Current Projects

I made no progress on the current projects this week, but I cleaned up my completed projects and improved their presentation and content. Almost done.

Publishing Tasks:

The following publishing tasks were completed this week:

Updated blog six times;
Attended Conflux 8 Sunday panels and learned;
Formatted and uploaded large print version of Anthology2—An Anthology of Battle to CreateSpace;
Formatted and uploaded large print version of Anthology3—An Anthology of Those Who Walk Among Us to CreateSpace;
Formatted and uploaded large print version of Anthology4—An Anthology of Worlds to CreateSpace;
Redesigned cover for An Anthology of Dragons using Dreamstime stock art;
Redesigned cover for An Anthology of Worlds using Dreamstime stock art;
Redesigned cover for An Anthology of Battle using Dreamstime stock art;
Redesigned cover for An Anthology of Those Who Walk Among Us using Dreamstime stock art;
Redesigned covers for individual titles linked to the anthologies using Dreamstime stock art;
Re-edited and re-formatted the first four Simpson Anthologies and the individual titles linked to them;

Craftsmanship Tasks:

The following craft-building tasks were undertaken this week:

Attended on-line workshop on writing suspenseful entry;
Undertook flash fiction challenge due 5 October 2012;
Attended RWA meeting;

Back-Burner Projects:

No backburner projects were loved this week.

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

WritingCraft1: a book of theory and exercises to improve writing craft;
WritingCraft2: a book of theory and exercises set in one particular genre;
ShortStory43—Marrietta and the Wreck of the Partying Plesiosaur: as a result of this week’s terribleminds flash fiction challenge;
Steampunk1A: never you mind;
Steampunk2A: also never you mind;
Steampunk3: not even sure if this idea will work;
Steampunk4: a blend of steam and magic;
Anthology33: science fiction and dinosaurs;
RomanceNovel8A: proof that I shouldn’t read non-fiction when I have a full writing list, historical romance
RomanceNovel9A: who gave my brain coffee spiked with … spiked with extra caffeine?
RPGAdventure8A: please… make it stop; I need to catch up;
Steampunk5A: steampunk and… I’ll tell you more later
RomanceNovel8B: following an incidental character out of 8A;
RomanceNovel10A: contemporary romance with its roots set in 8A;
PictureBook11: about a baby possum.


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