Progress Report: Week 4 November 2013

Better this week. Slowly recovering from the flu, slowly organising time so I can get the writing I need to get done, done. Still working my way through a beta read, but I was told it was less urgent, so I’ve slowed. I only skipped one class this week, due to not feeling well. And, as you can see, I’ve started working my way through the outstanding tiers. I probably won’t be where I hoped to be at the end of the year, but I’ll come close. I’m still on track for writing, publishing or revising 1,000,000 words this year, and most of my earlier work is out. Next year, I expect my tempo to slow as I wrap my head around producing more completely new, written-from-scratch projects. Two of those are currently under way and on track, and there are more in the pipeline, but who knows what the new year will bring. Hey, right now, I don’t even know what the day job will bring—but, if I knew it all, life would be pretty boring, right? Right? For those of you who write, I hope this is helpful—and, for those of you who read, I hope I can write something you’ll enjoy. Have a great week all.


New words produced: 6,632
Old words revised: 33,878
Works completed: 0
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0 (1-3 variations)
Works published: 0 (2-3 release platforms)
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0

Tier 1 Tasks

  • SciFanNovel1A—Freeman’s Choice: Edited chapters 1-14

Extra Tasks

  • Added 3,000 words to Annual14.
  • Added 2,000 words to Annual13

Publishing Tasks

Administrative tasks such as working on a new database, tracking sales and titles undertaken and completed.

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

  • Poem198—Truth, the Tale, the Teller, the Told: about how stories change in representation
  • Poem199—Spring-Time Trees: a haiku about leaves in spring.
  • Poem200—The Importance of Silence: an exploration of silence and sleep
  • Poem201—Together, the Further we Fly: about cooperation and change
  • Poem202—If you Hear me Calling: about making your way through life
  • Poem203—Flowers in the Wind: about flowers… in the wind.
  • Poem204—Chances, Choices and Life: about life decisions
  • Poem205—The Way of the Throne: loss in a time of victory
  • Poem206—I Wait for the Dawn: about a werewolf
  • Poem207—Everyone wants to be a Movie Star: about different personalities and the spotlight
  • Poem208—Hunting Hawk: about a hunting hawk
  • Poem209—What’s Wrong with Modern Man?: a question on personalities of modern people
  • Poem210—With the Birds Gone: on global warming and disaster;
  • Poem211—A Note on Success and Failure: musings on success and failure;
  • Poem212—The Dragon’s Revenge: about a dragon’s revenge;
  • Poem213—With our Hopes O’er Sea and Star: musings on explorations both historic and futuristic
  • ShortStory128—Mr Teddy’s Secret: flash fiction about a little girl and her teddy bear
  • ShortStory129—The Battle for our Dreams and Nightmares: flash fiction about a war undertaken while we sleep
  • ShortStory130—The Red Horizon’s Last Flight: flash fiction steampunk set in Australia
  • ShortStory131—When Hell Froze Over: flash science fiction about a colony
  • ShortStory132—The Dinabranki Defeat: flash science fiction about an alien ‘invasion’.
  • ShortStory 133—Hunters in the Dusk: flash urban paranormal fiction about things that hunt come nightfall
  • ShortStory134—Pixie Dust and Unicorns: flash urban paranormal crime noir fiction about pixies and unicorns
  • ShortStory135—Pixie Dust Drug Bust: flash urban paranormal crime noir fiction about a drug bust involving pixie dust;
  • ShortStory136—Never Irritate a Pixie: flash urban paranormal crime noir fiction about why you should never upset a pixie


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