Babes in London: Act Two, Scene Three A (Anika’s House, Part 1: Gaining Entry)


When PCs reach Anika’s home, read or paraphrase the following:

Anika’s family lives in what looks like a small, two-story house with a tiny front lawn. You can see a policeman standing on the steps near the front door. He’s not knocking or trying to get in, but seems to be on guard. A squad car is pulled up out front, but there’s no one inside it. The policeman’s partner must either be in the house or around the back.

General information:
The policeman is under strict orders not to let anyone in without authorization. No one wants the Press snooping around and giving out information the police are not ready to release. The man’s partner is currently guarding the back door.
All the windows, on both the upper and lower floors, have been locked, as has the entrance to the coal cellar, and the external doors. PCs facing the house can see there is a narrow pathway down the right-hand side of the house, but entrance to the back yard is blocked by a locked gate. A brick wall, six-feet high can be seen on the left-hand side and observant PCs (Air: Senses, TH 4) catch a glimpse of yellow roses just visible on the other side.
PCs have a number of options at this point:

Approaching either Policeman: Constables Watters (at the front door) and Mason (back door) will not allow the PCs entry unless able to obtain authorization from the detective in charge (DIC).

If PCs do not have the DIC’s business card or authorization to assist in investigations: the constables will not allow them entry to the house.

If PCs have organized meeting with Leyila’s parents, they are recognized at the door and given access to the house ‘for a short time only Mr/Miss …’ along with instructions not to ‘touch anything; no tidying up.’ etc.

Once PCs have been approached and denied permission to enter, the constables are particularly vigilant regarding all attempts by the PCs to gain entry to the house (+2 TH to opposed Senses tests for anyone trying to avoid detection). The constables call for back up rather than confront intruders on their own, knowing there is always help 4 rounds away. They also notify the station and their colleagues at Leyila’s house of the approach, and a squad car is sent out to pick the PCs up for questioning—an encounter which will keep them at the station until four p.m. that afternoon.

If the PCs have a business card and have been granted permission to help in investigations: the constables call for authorization, which allows PCs entry to the house. (Forensics has already been and, as long as the PCs don’t disturb the numbered markers or make a mess of the house, they are allowed inside to conduct their investigations.)

If the PCs have a business card, but have not been granted permission, or asked, to help in investigations: the constables call for authorization, which results in one of the PCs having to speak to the detective in charge in order to explain why they are interested. If the PC can convince the detective to either allow them to conduct their own investigation, or aid in police investigations, they will be allowed entry to Anika’s house. This requires an Air (Trickery) or Air (Interaction) test with a base TH of 3. The following modifiers apply:

TH Modifier        Circumstance

+1                          PC was cooperative when contacted by police and is of a private investigator, 
                              police or teaching background.
+2                          PC was cooperative when contacted by police and is of a background that is not 
                              policing, private investigation, teaching, criminal, or homeless
+3                          PC was cooperative when contacted by police and is of a criminal or homeless 
+4                          PC was uncooperative (regardless of background).
Attempting to sneak into the house unobserved: To do this, PCs have to make opposed Senses tests in order to reach the house unobserved. If they succeed, they are hidden down one of the two sides of the house. Breaking windows requires another opposed Senses test with a +3 difficulty to the TH (since it is a quiet neighbourhood), although climbing to the second floor (where they will still have to break a window to gain entry) from either of these sides does not add to the TH, since it is a quiet neighbourhood and most of its residents are at work. Breaking a window to gain entry to the second floor not only attracts a +2 penalty to the TH, but adds a +2 to the Climbing TH in order for the PC to avoid losing his grip and falling.

Gaining entry to the house by ‘neutralizing’ the police officers on the door: Roll opposed Senses tests to approach either constable undetected, then conduct combat as normal. Alternatively PCs can try to approach the constables openly and take them by surprise. This requires an opposed Trickery test for the PCs to get close enough to attack an unsuspecting officer.

See the ‘Cop’ entry in the Fireborn Gamemaster’s Handbook.


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