Progress Report: Week 2, June 2017

Last week, work continued on Babes in London and Freeman’s Choice. I also got into some editing and formatting for Ellie Moonwater’s July release. All in all, it was a pretty busy week, and I didn’t get to spend a lot of time on any new writing. I’ve noticed my fitness and language study have gone by the wayside, so I have to get those back on track—which is one of the reasons I’m posting this report late, as I started this Sunday. I’m discovering that getting stuff done isn’t difficult, but getting a bunch of different bits of stuff done across the board is harder. Languages and exercise are a daily commitment, as it writing, and the other everyday chores. It’s not easy to fit them all in and have a reasonable balance of life. That’s the tricky part. I should be somewhere close by the time the last semester of university kicks in. Hopefully, this time, I’ll be able to maintain it despite the uni commitments.

June Progress

New words produced: 2,197
Outlines and Notes: 0
Works completed: 0
Works edited: 2
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 14,436
University Prep and Assignments: N/A

Writing News

Last week I set down four major goals to complete this week. The first was to finish the first edit of Freeman’s Choice. The second was to finish Wheelchair Mermaid, until I remembered I had to finalise the second release for July—one of Ellie Moonwater’s novellas. The third was to reach the point in Babes in London where I was adding new words to the module.

Well, on Tuesday I completed the first edit of Freeman’s Choice, a novel that blends science fiction and fantasy. On Wednesday, I finished the edit of Ellie Moonwater’s The Contract and moved into the formatting stage for CreateSpace.Babes reached the appropriate point, but then I had to do some refamiliarising before new writing could commence.

June-July Challenge: Babes in London

Work continues—and it wouldn’t if you hadn’t asked, because this project is huge. I am enjoying it, though, even though it’s just a fan piece and will never be officially recognised. It’s fun.

Changes made this week, include:

  • Act 3, Scene 2A: fixed a gender incontinuity in an NPC, and clarified a couple of points;
  • Act 3, Scene 2B: edits and minor clarifications;
  • Act 3, Scene 3A: edits, and added a description of the environment where the fight with the beby takes place;
  • Act 3, Scene 3B: edits, added a description of the battle environment and effects, and NPC actions;
  • Act 3, All Scenes: added in social media aspects;

I had to prioritise some publishing this week, so work on Babes wasn’t as consistent. I did, however, set aside Saturday to complete the week’s quota. I reached the end of what I had written in May 2006, and continued writing. However, I had to spend a fair amount of time going back over the setting to make sure I understood taint and the relevant rules as I started working toward completing the final scene in Act 3. Next week, the story continues.

Ingress Updates

Not much new to report. I had a very slow Ingress week as I worked towards getting my publishing schedule on track. Unfortunately, that also meant my fitness activity went right out the window, as well, so next week I’ll be back into the walking and the Ingress.

PokemonGo Updates

New Kanto additions to the Pokedex:

Pokemon #131 (Kanto)

This chap was lurking by the road not far from a bus stop, so I captured him and added him to the collection. He was, however, in need of improvement, so I sent him off to the Professor in short order.
There’s not a lot else to report. As I said, I focussed on my publishing schedule and my walking was seriously neglected. This is something I aim at fixing next week as I work towards establishing a sustainable work-life balance that will see me writing and publishing well into the future.


Worked my way through my started titles and roughed out a publishing schedule to see how long it would take to publish them all… too long, and the writing pace would be unsustainable. I let the initial version stew for a few days, and then worked out what looks like an achievable publishing schedule for three writing names that I could sustain as a career. Including time for Eleanor’s work, I’m down to three releases a month, but I can have weekends, family, and fitness time.


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