Progress Report: Week 2, August, 2017

Last week was busy. Next week will be just as busy. I managed to get through all the priorities bar one: I didn’t start the edit of Army Boots and Stilettos. The rest I maintained, although I was a regular 5 minutes short of my walk goal each day. I’ll try for better this week.

Week 2 Progress

  • New words produced: 10,948
  • Outlines and Notes: 794
  • Works completed: 0
  • Works edited: 0
  • Covers created: 0
  • Works published: 2 (Shades of Memory, Fate in the Sun)
  • Works submitted: 0
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 2,666
  • University Prep and Assignments: 25h 11m that I remembered to record (4h 51m reading and class prep, 4 h lectures, 6h contact, 1h admin, 3h research, 6h 20m travel)

Writing News

Last week saw the final uploads done for the pre-orders of Shadesof Memory (an urban-fantasy thriller novel) and Fate in the Sun a science fiction short story. I also continued work on three novels, finally focussing on Side Shift, although I struggled as the novel hit a boggy patch. I’m hoping to work my way through that this week so the words return to their usual rate of 1,200 or so an hour. This week, they were down around the 700 mark.


As well as that, it was the release week for C.M. Simpson: Short Work from 2014, Volume 3: Fantasy and Urban Fantasy, in both ebook and print-on-demand formats.

Of last week’s priorities, I completed all bar the start of editing for October’s second release, Army Boots and Stilettos, a young adult science fiction novel.

June-July Challenge: Babes in London

No progress this week, although the section for finalising Act 3 was posted on Friday.

NOTE: This adventure is not sanctioned in any way, shape or form by Fantasy Flight. It is not an official product, and I am in no way affiliated with them or they with me. There is no relationship between us. This adventure is mine, for fun, and for you, because some of you asked me to finish it.

Also, if you like this adventure and want to play it, please go buy the official rulebooks from somewhere where the original creators and publisher of the setting will be paid. I got mine from a Melbourne game store, but I’ve found PDF versions of the Player's Handbook and the Gamemaster's Handbook are now available from DriveThruFiction. If you enjoy their world, this is the best way to thank them.

Ingress Updates

This week’s Ingress consisted of bare minimum walking to make up my exercise goal – and even then I fell five minutes short each day. This week, I’ll have to do better. Hacking, incidental links and fields, and blasting on the way to and from university had to suffice. This week will be much of the same, although I’ll be aiming at filling the hour properly.

PokemonGo Updates

This week’s PokemonGo was much like this week’s ingress—lots of incidental catches, a little bit of gym work, but all on the way to and from university. Still, I managed to catch my 200th fairy pokemon, and hatch my 200th fire-type.



Priorities for Week 3, August, 2017

This week’s priorities are as follows:

  • 3,000 words of novelling a day, with a minimum of 1,000 words on any one project (and projects completed in a set order).
  • finalise the cover, edit, format, and upload of Army Boots and Stilettos
  • complete the rough draft of my POLS2070 essay
  • keep up with class prep
  • walk a full hour each day


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