PokemonGo Tips - Earning the Youngster Medal

This one's easy... as long as you're in an area where there are lots of rattata. There is only one rule - Catch Them All!

...and, eventually, you'll catch enough that are Size-Small that you will earn your medal.

I am not going to say how many I've had to catch just to reach the 50 needed to achieve the silver level of this medal - and that's not because I'm being difficult; it's just because I've lost count. If we use Pratchettese troll-speak, you're talking 'many, many, lots'.

On the up-side, you only need 25 candy to evolve them into raticate, which means you should have lots of opportunities to gain XP and move yourself along in level.

I'll try to remember to keep a rattata tally on how many I need to catch in order to get to the 300 I need for the gold level of this medal, but I won't promise to remember.

If you're curious, here's what the silver Youngster medal looks like - shiny, right?


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