Ingress Round-Up: January 2018

Finding Time to Play:

When do I get time to play Ingress? Since I switch between it and PoGo on my morning walks - although I'll admit to giving this game priority for allowing myself to stop... unless I've run out of pokeballs and need to collect more.

Generally, the goal of the (mostly) morning walk is to get as many kilometres covered in the 30-45 minutes I have for walking, before the real-world demands some attention, which means whatever pokemongoing or ingressing that happens has to happen without me having to stop. I do, however, allow 5 minutes of exceptions, such as capturing a gym, or portal, but, after that, too bad, what I find is what I'm stuck with, no matter how much I want to change it.

Weekends, when I have more time, things are different and I get to stop more, but I must still hit a minimum of one hour's walk on the health app before I can go home and do something else - and, I still to impose a no-stopping rule when I need to get things done.

Medal Milestones Achieved in January 2018:

January 2018 was a quiet month for medal achievements, however, I reached the following Ingress medal milestones: double-black Sojourner,  bronze NL-1331 Meetups.

Mission Medals Achieved in January 2018:

Yes, there will be a report; it's next. Unfortunately, I only managed one mission series in January. It was a thoroughly enjoyable walk-around of Gold Creek Village, with a very nice mosaic at the end. Here's what it looks like:



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