January 2018 - Publishing and Writing Progress

January saw me get a little of my shit together, although not necessarily in a nice, neat pile. Either way, I was a lot more organised by the end of the month than I had been at the beginning, and I was moving forward on the publishing schedule, despite the continuation of school holidays with all that entails. Here is what was achieved.

Progress Overview: January 01-31, 2018

  • New words produced: 74,753 (so I have absolutely NO excuse for not completing NaNoWriMo this year)
  • Outlines and Notes: 7,834
  • Words compiled: 226,640
  • Works completed: 2 (Granny Finds a Gas Mask, Dear Tiger: I Don’t Think I’m Human Anymore)
  • Works edited: 4 (Reluctant Liaison, Granny Finds a Gas Mask, Dear Tiger: I Miss You, Dear Tiger: I Don’t Think I’m Human Anymore)
  • Covers created: 4  (Reluctant Liaison, Granny Finds a Gas Mask, Dear Tiger: I Miss You, Dear Tiger: I Don’t Think I’m Human Anymore)
  • Works published: 3 (Reluctant Liaison, Granny Finds a Gas Mask, Dear Tiger: I Miss You)
  • Works released: 4 (The Queen’s Game, A Planet’s Ransom, In Full Flight, Dear Tiger: I Miss You)
  • Works submitted: 3 (1 market)
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 10,794
  • Hours at Desk—January 28-31:  12 hours 20 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—January 21-27: 35 hours 50 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—January 14-20: 46 hours, 28 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—January 7-13: 47 hours, 16 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—January 1-6: 38 hours, 19 minutes
  • TOTAL HOURS AT DESK—January: 180 hours, 3 minute


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