PokemonGo Roundup: February 2018

February was a bit of a mixed month for walking. After a week of almost no walking, my back protested, and I decided to set myself some challenges as incentives to get out and about. It kind of worked. I certainly had more reason to get out - even on days I *really* didn't want to.

The writing is becoming more demanding as I work out what I want to do... or is that *I* am becoming more demanding. Either way, the temptation to work at my desk, instead of walk, is high

PokemonGo Happenings in February 2018:

February was a pretty busy month in Pokemongo, with several promotions occurring, although it was frustrating to receive notifications of these later than the event start, so it's important to remember to check out the Niantic PokemonGo blog in order to stay on top of them. Here's a quick run-down:

More pokemon arrived - YES! And Rayquaza quickly followed - and then things got busy, with Valentine's Day, new costumes, the Lunar New Year, more legendaries, and Pokemonday birthday celebrations. All in all, a VERY jam-packed month! See?

New Pokemon Caught in February 2018:

With the arrival of more pokemon, new pokemon were almost guaranteed. I was very pleased to see these:


New Pokemon Evolved in February 2018: 
 In addition to catching a bunch of new Hoenn pokemon, I was able to evolve a few of them, *and* the typhlosion I was missing from the Johto pokedex, which involved a whole lot of walking.

Pokemon Hatched in February2018:
One of my challenges for February was to hatch a pokemon a day. I missed a day, but I hatched 34 pokemon, by buying the occasional extra incubator with my gym earnings. Of these, only the trapinch, beldum and bagon were brand new to my pokedex. These little ones were as follows:

Results for February Goals: 
  • FAIL—Caught 23 more rattata, BUT did not catch 10 more tiny rattata;
  • SUCCESS—Caught enough aron to evolve lairon into aggron,
  • SUCCESS—Walk  quilava far enough to evolve a typhlosion,
  • TECHNICAL FAIL—I hatched an egg every day I walked, and some days I hatched more than one, BUT I hurt my back and did not walk on that day, so did not hatch an egg on that day. Overall, I hatched 34 eggs in February, well over one per day, just not one EVERY day.
Goals for March: 
  • Reach Level 34;
  • Walk flaaffy far enough to evolve anampharos;
  • Catch enough fighting-types to reach the gold medal milestone.


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