Progress Report: February 25-28 to March 3, 2018

Last week, I decided to change my routine so that the last week of every month is devoted to publishing the works that are ready to begin the publishing process. I also reassessed my publishing goals, and changed a few other things, including putting in an application for a full-time job in a field I was interested in. I’m still not sure how that’s going to pan out, but

Progress: February 25-28 to March 3, 2018

  • New words produced: 6,873
  • Outlines and Notes: 241
  • Words compiled: 18,178
  • Works completed: 1 (1 chapter book)
  • Works edited: 3 (Dear Tiger: Don’t Look Back, Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab, Dreams of the Serpent)
  • Covers created: 4 (Dear Tiger: Don’t Look Back, Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab, Dreams of the Serpent, Mack ‘n’ Me: Origins)
  • Works published: 3 (Dear Tiger: Don’t Look Back, Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab, Dreams of the Serpent)
  • Works released: 1 (Memory’s Vampire)
  • Works submitted: 0
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 6,583
  • Hours at Desk—February 25-March 3: 53h42m
  • February Hours at Desk: 183 hours 50 minutes
  • January Hours at Desk: 180 hours 3 minutes

Goal Progress

Publish Fortnightly: This goal is to release a minimum of one title per fortnight. This goal is on track to the beginning of April 2018, with releases a minimum of 1 week apart within each month.

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

Short Story/Month Goal: This goal is to release one short story per month. This goal is on track through to April 2018.

Chapter Book/Month Goal: This goal is to release a minimum of one chapter book per month. This goal is on track through to the end of this month. These are the chapter books released since January (2/month)

Novel/Quarter Goal: This goal is to release a minimum of one novel per quarter. This goal is on track for the second quarter, with April's release only requiring editing, formatting and publishing.


Publishing 3-Months Ahead Goal: This goal is to have pre-releases available three months ahead of the release date. This goal is not yet on track.
Finishing-Series-I-Have-Started Goal: This goal remains, with a deadline of December 2020. It includes the chapter book series in the challenge, and the known titles planned for the following novel series: Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey (4 titles); Tales of the Five Kingdoms (5 titles); Aggie & Tams (4 titles); The Seasons Quartet (4 titles), and Freeman (6 titles). This goal is on track, with the first chapter book series to be completed by the end of April 2018, and the first Mack ‘n’ Me ‘n’ Odyssey novel completed.

Anthology Challenge

The Anthology Challenge is now to release twelve 80,000-word anthologies by the end of 2019. Covers will be created for collections over the next few weeks, and releases will begin within the next couple of months... and some may change:

Chapter-Book-Collection Challenge

The Chapter-Book-Collection Challenge is to complete and release twelve collections by the end of 2020, by first releasing six individual titles, and then one collection of those titles. Covers for series in progress are as follows (and many will be updated later on):


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