First Words for the Day—June 27, 2018

After forgetting yesterday’s first words, I did not want to forget today’s—although I did leave them until after dinner, so I wouldn’t be distracted by social media and would settle down to work. So far, I’ve got in another couple of thousand, for which I’m very grateful—and the first words kicking off the day were as follows:

Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter Favour

As if she could still hear me, Delight was in my head.

‘We found Mack,’ she said, like I should care while I was on my knees hurling every single item in my stomach into the corridor… the working-warship-busy corridor.

‘Sorry, Wanderer, Siobhan. Sorry.’

The ship’s response was oddly comforting.

‘You’re not the one who needs to be sorry,’ she said, her tones pissed-off precise. ‘Now, go study the files. I’ll get this cleaned up.’

The files? What… Oh. Hey, these were really good.

‘Cascade fetched them.’

‘Cascade is a very good boy!’


He was also a very lucky boy, because these things looked like he’d ripped them out of a Star Shadow server, and those weren’t easy to access.

You can find the first book of the series, Mack 'n' Me: Origins, at multiple venues, HERE.


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