Progress Report—June 24-30, 2018
Last week was a slow week for writing.
For one thing, I was trying to balance getting better with resting, and, for
another, I’d fallen behind on my blog. The most important tasks, however, were
updating my royalty records for annual tax visit with the accountant,
finalising a submissions for an anthology and a competition, submitting other
work to another market, trying to rejig a writing schedule gone wayward due to
a month and a half of illness, and writing a guest blog—more on that later. I
also spent a lot of time sleeping, or on social media, but that was mainly due
to not feeling well enough to focus on anything else. So, a slow week. To give you
an idea, I have already written more ‘new words’, in the first three days of
July, than all the words tallied below—and I’m starting to feel better, but
that’s next week story. In the meantime, here is what was achieved last week:
Progress: June 24-30, 2018
- New words produced: 5,847
- Outlines and Notes: 1,726
- Words compiled: 0
- Works completed: 0
- Works edited: 0
- Covers created: 1 (Mack ‘n’ Me: The Transporter’s Favour)
- Works formatted: 0
- Works published: 0
- Works released: 1 (The Rocky Adventures Omnibus)
- Works submitted: 3 (1 market)
- Competitions Entered: 1 (15 entries)
- Bloggery: 8,464
- Hours at Desk—June 24-30: 52 hours
- Hours at Desk—June 17-23: 63 hours 39minutes
- Hours at Desk—June 10-16: 37 hours 42 minutes
- Hours at Desk—June 3-9: 51 hours 34 minutes
- Hours at Desk—June 1-2: 26 hours 21 minutes
- Hours at Desk—May 27-June 2: 73 hours 14minutes
- May Hours at Desk: 302 hours 6 minutes
- April Hours at Desk: 167 hours 41 minutes
- March Hours at Desk: 201 hours 43 minutes
- February Hours at Desk: 183 hours 50 minutes
- January Hours at Desk: 180 hours 3 minutes

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