An Extract from This Month's Release: Can You Hear the Lullaby?

 This month's release is the second edition of 366 Days of Poetry released. Links to the collection can be found at:


Can You Hear the Lullaby?


Written on July 20, 2015, for the April 2 entry of 366 Days of Poetry, this piece is about the power of a lullaby.


Can you hear the lullaby?

It floats on through the night.

Not born of bird or wind, or sighs,

the lullaby sings from the sky.

On the storm breeze, through the night,

on gentle breath, the lullaby

guides our sleeping though distractions fly

through the long, long hours of night.

It guards our sleeping from all fright,

this lullaby,

this song of night.

Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to 366 Days of Poetry can be found on Books2Read at:


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