2022 Challenge Extracts: Day 8

Two more pieces and several thousand words on another project and today has been a fairly good day. Today's pieces both evolve around marriage contracts. The flash involves a princess conducting court politics on her own...and the second is almost an ode to a new king and his fate.

Flash Fiction Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 8 Days
Flash Piece 1 - 334 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 7:
Belle crept down the hall, smelt the jasmine on the wall and prayed it would hold. Sliding through the stained-glass door, she mounted the balcony, twining her hands in the flower-heavy vines and


To be published in: Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction

Poetry Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 8 Days
Poem 1 - 49 words
First 10% (rounded down)
Day 6
Solace on a red
To be published in: Yet Another 365 Days of Poetry


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