2022 Challenges: Extracts from Day 10

Day 10 and I very nearly missed it, because I did these as the last thing of the day. Nothing like writing under a little bit of pressure, right? The problem is that it's so simple to set something aside, when you've got a crunch on, or your feeling a little under the weather, or Life has shaken your snow globe, or in the name of  'self care' or 'being sensible', that you can make a habit of it. It's a habit I'm trying to break, so on Day 10, I dragged my tail back into the computer, and wrote these two pieces.

Flash Fiction Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 10 Days
Flash Piece 1 - 332 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 10:

Tierney looked out across the rivers, saw the grasses whisper in the breeze, watched the trees sway and heard their leaves rustle.

“They’re coming,” he whispered, and panic rippled through the creature...


To be published in: Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction

Poetry Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 10 Days
Poem 1 - 149 words
First 10% (rounded down)
Day 10

Dread Fell 

A moor where

To be published in: Yet Another 365 Days of Poetry



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