2022 Challenges: Flash Fiction Days 11-17

Last week saw a push to complete a major ghost project on time - I completed it with two days to spare, but I'm usually a week ahead on these things, and I came down with the flu, so I had to be happy with that. As a result, I cut everything else down and, while I got my piece of flash and my poetry done, each day, I didn't quite get to the blogging, so I'll split the flash fiction and the poetry into two different reports. Today's will cover the flash fiction from the last seven days.

Flash Fiction Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 17 Days
Flash Piece 11 - 346 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 11:
Eldren pushed herself from the sand, only to find it was pavement. She drew her knees beneath her, staggering to her feet, concrete scraping her skin. A muscular hand reached into her vision and...


Flash Piece 12 - 201 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 12:

“Don’t be a stranger,” they said, as Dorlen found the door.

“I won’t,” he promised, as most folk did…and because...


Flash Piece 13 - 99 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 13:
Jocasta wandered through the stars, hopping transport after transport...


Flash Piece 14 - 147 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 14:
Jocasta washed up on the sea shore, choking on sand...


Flash Piece 15 - 179 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 15:
Living on the edge of the Medilo, Lonnie was used to seeing the strange, and tonight was...


Flash Piece 16 - 206 words.
 First 10% (rounded down)
Day 16:

“Success or failure,” Korobo demanded.

“Wh…what?” Shiru asked.

“I asked you if you wanted to succeed or fail.”




Flash Piece 17 - 149 words.
(First 10% (rounded down)
Day 17:
Hudson flew the stars…until he could fly no more…and then he lay


To be published in: Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction



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