2022 Poetry Challenge: Streak Broken Day 18

There's a reason every entry to these challenges has a Streak notification with a number beside it, and that's because, while I don't want to fail, I acknowledge the possibility that I will. Yesterday, I made the mistake of knowing I had my booster shot in the afternoon, and not getting to that day's poem beforehand. Why a mistake? Because these shots hit me hard, and while I'm not totally crippled, today, I had to go sleep, yesterday, and would have written garbled nonsense. I suppose I could have passed it off as a nonsense poem, but I didn't want to bank it would be good enough for that. Nonsense poems are very hard to write. I'll have your new Streak 2, Day 1 poem extract ready by the end of the day, and you can read it, tomorrow. The Flash Fiction streak continues, because that I did get done before the

Poetry Challenge 2022

Streak 1: 17 Days
End Streak 1 - Day 17 at 19 poems
Start Streak 2




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