Extract 24 from This Month's New Release: Pixie Dust Dreaming (C.M.'s Collections #7)

Pixies, trolls and urban policing, things got interesting when the Otherworld renewed its connection to ours. A new suite of crimes sprang into existence overnight…and a new breed of officer had to be found to combat them. This volume brings together all the stories, so far published, of the officers in the Paranormal Operations Squad…and the world in which they strive to maintain the peace.

Here's an extract from the twenty-fourth entry in this month's release of Pixie Dust Dreaming, the 7th collection in my Collections series, which released on the 4th. Links to the collection can be found at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP.

Karma, Pixie Luck and Shantelle Nox

Originally written on February 8, 2014, as a submission for Vestal Review, this piece revisits the pixie-dust world. It first appeared as the May 28 entry for 365 Days of Flash Fiction in early July 2014.

Shantelle Nox believed if she worked hard and did the right thing, everything would be all right, and the world would do right by her—and then she discovered her boss was peddling pixies. She did the right thing; she reported it to the local nick. Only thing was, the officer who answered the phone was in on the deal. We only found out about it when he went missing on the beat, and his wife called in, crying because her beloved Wes just hadn’t come home. 

She was terrified he’d committed suicide. He’d left a note:

My darling

I don’t know if I’ll see you again, but don’t worry. You and the kids should have plenty of money. The bills are covered.




When we checked his accounts we found the money: a year’s worth of ten grand a month, and then a million for no apparent reason—except that Wes had disappeared.

The rest of this entry can be found in the Pixie Dust Dreaming collection.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to Pixie Dust Dreaming can be found on Books2Read at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP


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