Extract 9 from This Month's Release: Pixie Dust Dreaming (C.M.'s Collections #7)

Pixies, trolls and urban policing, things got interesting when the Otherworld renewed its connection to ours. A new suite of crimes sprang into existence overnight…and a new breed of officer had to be found to combat them. This volume brings together all the stories, so far published, of the officers in the Paranormal Operations Squad…and the world in which they strive to maintain the peace.

Here's an extract from the ninth entry in this month's release of Pixie Dust Dreaming, the 7th collection in my Collections series, which released on the 4th. Links to the collection can be found at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP.

Icecream and Pixie Dust

Written on December 31, 2013, this piece first appeared as the December 27 entry of 365 Days of Flash Fiction. It didn’t start out as a pixie dust story… but that’s where it ended up. This is a curious world I’ve found. I think it needs a novel.

The leaves had turned brown. All up and down the street, every deciduous tree was decorated for autumn. All good, except it was mid-summer, and in every other street the same trees were clothed in green. Well, almost every other street.

I blamed the icecream van, followed it carefully and watched as it turned the children away after its third stop. Not that many children came. Most parents stopped them when they caught a whiff of the stench puffing out of its little rooftop smokestack.

The rest of this entry can be found in the Pixie Dust Dreaming collection.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to Pixie Dust Dreaming can be found on Books2Read at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP.


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