Progress Report Week 4 September 2012

Four-day work week as I took Monday off. This means I got a lot of writing done. Lots of formatting for upload took time during the week, but at least it was done.

Current Projects

This week I made the following progress on my current projects:
·         DarkFantasyNovel1A: revised and added 11,000 words to the rewrite (so far I’ve added 7,500 new words to this project in spite of cutting out a lot of other words);
·         DarkFantasyNovel1B: nil, waiting on DarkFantasyNovel1A;
·         DarkFantasyNovel1C: nil, waiting on DarkFantasyNovel1A;
·         SciFanNovel1A: nil, waiting on DarkFantasyNovel1A;
·         Anthology5: nil, waiting on ShortStories36-37, 39-40.

Publishing and other Non-Writing Tasks

The following tasks were completed this week:
·         Uploaded ShortStory19—Screams for the Dying to Kindle and Smashwords;
·         Uploaded Anthology4—An Anthology of Worlds to Kindle, Smashwords, CreateSpace and DriveThruFiction;
·         Repriced all previous work on Kindle and Smashwords to new pricing scheme;
·         Uploaded An Anthology of Worlds, An Anthology of Those who Walk Among Us, and Anthology of Battle to Create Space and DriveThruFiction;
·         Updated blog 2 times;
·         Formatted and uploaded a large-print version of An Anthology of Dragons to CreateSpace;
·         Finalised the artwork for RomanceNovel1A by PenName2.


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