Progress Report: Week 5, August 23-29, 2015

I was sick for most of the week, and caring for a sick child, so not a lot of writing got done, but progress was made in other areas.


New words produced: 1,157
Old words revised: 4,014
Works completed: 5 (for inclusion in other works)
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 0
University Prep and Assignments: 5,397

Back-on-Track Challenge:

Design covers for, edit, format, and upload the following:

YANovel26—Pyrie: initially slated for an August 2015 release, is now complete. It has a cover, a blurb, and a full edit, but I’m not sure I can upload it as it deals with a particularly sensitive topic and I’m not sure if it will be seen to cross too many lines.

Other Tasks

DarkFantasy8A—Winter’s Ache: caught up with the notes and started revision in preparation to writing.

New Arrivals

The following pieces arrived last week and were completed:

  • Poem636—The Dragon Storm: a poem about dragons;
  • Poem637—The Mating Dance of Grollups: another poem about the creatures that live within the Medilo;
  • Poem638—Vengeance on the Mother Ship: a science fiction poem about an attack on an invading ship;
  • Poem639—I met an Elf on a Summer’s Day: an urban fantasy poem about an encounter with an elf;
  • Poem640—Stories in the Storm: a speculative poem about the meaning of storms;
  • Poem641—Trading out of Trouble: a science fiction poem about the dangers of life on a starship


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