Babes in London: Act Three, Preparation


  • For All Scenes: Create any necessary maps from the descriptions provided, prior to play.
  • Scene 1A – Meeting the Artist: Nil
  • Scene 1B – Attack on the Artist: Familiarize with NPC abilities, and the effects of the tranquilizer carried by the Setites.
  • Scene 2A – Follow-up (LN7): Familiarize with motives of LN7, and try to anticipate responses to PC questions.
  • Scene 2B – Follow-up (Gehenna Consortium): Familiarize with motives of Gehenna Consortium, and try to anticipate responses to PC questions.
  • Scenes 3A-C – Follow-up (Library, University or Museum Investigation): Familiarize with guardian tactics and NPC.
  • Scene 3D – Follow-up Flash-back (Defeat of the Setites): Make sure PC dragons are ready for play.
NOTE: This adventure is not sanctioned in any way, shape or form by Fantasy Flight. It is not an official product, and I am in no way affiliated with them or they with me. There is no relationship between us. This adventure is mine, for fun, and for you, because some of you asked me to finish it.

Also, if you like this adventure and want to play it, please go buy the official rulebooks from somewhere where the original creators and publisher of the setting will be paid. I got mine from a Melbourne game store, but I’ve found PDF versions of the Player's Handbook and the Gamemaster's Handbook are now available from DriveThruFiction. If you enjoy their world, this is the best way to thank them.



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