Friday Fireborne: Scene 3D (Part 2: Final Battle Flashback—The Ceremony)

The Ceremony Begins:

If the PCs have not started a fight, or if they have run out of questions, or reached a point where the ceremony begins, read, or paraphrase, the following:

With the closing of the doors, the gathering grows quiet. Voices subside from whispered greetings to nothing. The sound of shuffling feet stills as everyone around you turns to face the throne. As you watch, doors open on either side of the throne, and four figures robed in a shimmering silver-grey, step through. Each one wears a black leather harness crossing their chest, on which is hung a variety of narrow, glass vials. From a thick leather belt hangs a long, curved dagger from their right hips, and a long curve-bladed sword hangs from their left. As they advance, hands clasped beneath their chins, they begin a low chant. The woman on the altar turns her head to watch them come.

What are the PCs going to do? They can watch the ceremony start or they can interrupt it here. If they continue to watch, read or paraphrase the following, but allow them to interrupt the ritual at any point below:

Phase One—Gather Magic:

The priests position themselves at the four corners of the altar, and the one nearest the woman’s head turns to face the gathered cultists.
“Brothers,” he says, “I will gather the magic to us, through me, through you, and through this descendant of our lord, and I will send it out again to search for our Lord Set, and show us his location.”
At his words, he and the other four priests turn to face the altar, and, around you, the cultists move to mirror their stance.

Note: This is the ‘Gather Magic’ phase of the spell casting ritual. The priests change their stance to Air, and the cultists around the PCs mimic this change, also, as they prepare to assist in the casting.
PCs may make a TH 3 check to recognise that the assembled Setites are preparing to make the ritual casting of a spell. PCs with Casting may make a TH 4 test to recognise the opening movements similar to those found in the spell, Scrye. A TH 5 success reveals that this spell, although related, is not Scrye, but something more. A TH 8 success reveals that this spell is also similar to History, while a TH 9 success reveals that, while similar, it is not History.

PCs with Casting may make a TH 2 roll to be fairly certain that this spell will kill the dragon, and a TH 4 roll to know the spell will kill the dragon.

If the PCs do not intervene when the stance change is made, GMs should make any appropriate Air pool rolls for the cultists and the principal caster.

Phase Two—Cast:

Read or paraphrase the following as the Setites move into the casting phase of the ritual:

The priests change their positions slightly, and the Setites around you, move to mirror them.

A TH 3 Casting roll reveals that the Setites are about cast. If the PCs do not intervene at this stage, casting is completed to the stage just before the caster rolls the dice in his Fire pool. If they intervene at this point, and excess successes have been generated, the priest cannot channel the successes and any excess damage is channelled back through the principal caster, followed by those closest him, including the PCs.

Note: The Setites are determined for this ritual to succeed. Every cultist present spends as much of their karma as they can in order for the ritual to succeed. The priest leading the ceremony channels excess successes into expanding the area of effect. Once the priest has rolled his Fire dice and cast the spell, the dragon’s body is consumed and she is dead. If this happens the PCs do not receive Friend of Kelia as a reward.

If they do intervene before the spell reaches the Casting phase, then roll initiative as the Setites seek to remove the PCs so they can attempt to cast the ritual again. PCs have a multitude of options at this point. They can try to save the dragon and escape out one of the doors without facing the angry Setites, cause a diversion, start taking down cultists one at a time, and so forth. If they ask, they can’t remember, and will just have to play the scene as they see fit.

Setite Cultist:
Era: Modern/Mythic
Race: Natural being
APL: 1
Aspects: Fire 4, Water 3, Air 3(2), Earth 1
Initiative: 7
Health: 1m; <3 / 3+ / 6+ / 9+ / 12+ / 15+ / 18+ / 21+
Size/Reach: 0 / 2 ft.
Armor: 0
Taint: 1
Stride: 20 ft. (Moderate)
—Fist (2): 3/L
—Kick (2): 4/M
—Sword, Scimitar: 13/M
—Dagger, Kris: 13/L
—Browning PRO-40 Pistol (Modern Only): 23 ~ range 200 ft. ~ reload ¼
Sequences: Rank and File
Ready + Ready + Ready (draw Scimitar) + Scimitar Strike: Damage +5
Ready + Ready (draw Kris) + Kris Strike: Damage +5
Scimitar Strike + Ready + Kris Strike + Press: Damage +10
Neut—F4/W3/A3 (2)/E1
Block + Ready + Scimitar Strike + Block: Damage +5
Def—F0/W7/A3 (2)/E1
Block + Ready + Scimitar Strike + Dodge: Damage +5
Skills: Athletics 1, Casting 4, Dodge 1, Ka 4, Knowledge: Egypt 4, Knowledge: Egyptian Mythology: 4, Knowledge: Occult 4, Melee 2, Quickness 1, Stealth 2, Ranged 2 (Modern Only)
Spells: Rank 1—Beguile (B); Shadow (A); Sidestep (A); Locate (A)
Edges: Allies 1, Casting 2, Skill Expertise: Casting,
Wealth: 2

Setite Priest:
Era: Modern/Mythic
Race: Natural being
APL: 3
Aspects: Fire 5, Water 4, Air 4(3), Earth 2
Initiative: 9
Health: 2m; <4 / 4+ / 8+ / 12+ / 16+ / 20+ / 24+ / 28+
Size/Reach: 0 / 2 ft.
Armor: 0
Taint: 1
Stride: 20 ft. (Moderate)
—Fist (2): 3/L
—Kick (2): 4/M
—Sword, Scimitar: 13/M
—Dagger, Kris: 13/L
—Browning PRO-40 Pistol (Modern Only): 23 ~ range 200 ft. ~ reload ¼
Ready + Ready + Ready (draw Scimitar) + Scimitar Strike: Damage +5
Ready + Ready (draw Kris) + Kris Strike: Damage +5
Scimitar Strike + Ready + Kris Strike + Press: Damage +10
Neut—F5/W4/A4 (3)/E2
Block + Ready + Scimitar Strike + Block: Damage +5
Def—F0/W9/A4 (3)/E2
Block + Ready + Scimitar Strike + Dodge: Damage +5
Skills: Casting 6, Dodge 2, Ka 6, Knowledge: Egypt 5, Knowledge: Egyptian Mythology: 6, Knowledge: Occult 5, Quickness 2, Melee 3, Stealth 2, Will 3
Spells: Rank 1—Beguile (B/C); Shadow (A/C); Sidestep (A/B); Rank 2—Locate (A/B), Scrye (A/B), Second Sight (A)
Edges: Allies, Casting, Forceful Will, Skill Expertise: Casting, Skill Specialty: Will
Wealth: 3
Tactics: The Setites fight to prevent the PCs from disrupting the ceremony. While prisoners are always nice, secrecy is always more important; the Setites don’t hold back. The followers attack and the priests observe until one of the PCs reveals their draconic form, and then they join the melee. They will not kill the dragon on the altar, unless she is freed and tries to escape.
Battle Environment: The chamber is big enough for the PCs to fight as dragons without penalty, but leaving will require a smaller form.

NOTE: This adventure is not sanctioned in any way, shape or form by Fantasy Flight. It is not an official product, and I am in no way affiliated with them or they with me. There is no relationship between us. This adventure is mine, for fun, and for you, because some of you asked me to finish it.

Also, if you like this adventure and want to play it, please go buy the official rulebooks from somewhere where the original creators and publisher of the setting will be paid. I got mine from a Melbourne game store, but I’ve found PDF versions of the Player's Handbook and the Gamemaster's Handbook are now available from DriveThruFiction. If you enjoy their world, this is the best way to thank them.


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