Ingressing in the Palmerville Heritage Park - with a Spot of PokeGo on the Side

Near where I live is this park. It's called the Palmerville Heritage Park, and used to be a bit of a place back in the age of colonists and settlers. Now it's a home for trees... sooo many trees - and birds, too, if you're into birdwatching. I love it for both those things, as well as its photogenic qualities, and I walk there quiet often - but I would never have known it existed if it wasn't for Ingress.

When I first started playing, I tested everything. I discovered medals a couple of days in, and then I discovered missions - and that's when I discovered the park. Since then, another two missions have been added, so it's a good place to get to know.

As well as a well-maintained, wheelchair friendly, if somewhat short walking track, the park has parking for 8-10 vehicles, barbecues and picnic tables. The trail is flat, with no gradient to speak of, but may become boggy after rain. You are also permitted to walk your dog, there, although be careful about letting them off the lead in summer, when snakes are about. The only thing the park lacks is toilets.

The walking track runs the length of the park and has several information signs that tell you the history of the park, although it ends in a dead-end, and you will need to back track or walk along the grassy banks of Ginninderra Creek.

There are a total of seven Ingress portals at the park, which double as three gyms and four pokestops in Pokemon Go. If you take it on foot from the carpark, they are as follows:

Old Palmerville - the information sign adjacent to the carpark itself. This sign is both an Ingress portal and a gym for Pokemon Go. It can be accessed from the carpark, as well as from the picnic table nearby.

Palmerville Heritage Park - the sign at the entrance to the park. This is a short walk from the car park, and can be accessed safely if you walk through the nature strip between the car park and Owen Dixon Drive. Do not stop in the entryway to access it from your car; it's not safe. This portal is also a pokestop.

National Landcare Forest - the first marker as you walk into the park proper. This sign marks the start of the landcare forest, where rows of native trees, each marked by a small plaque to the winners of various landcare awards, have been planted. The forest sign is also a pokestop.

However, while the plaque for each tree might be considered historically significant, they are too numerous for each one to be designated a portal, as you can see from the pictures below. Although... a forest of portals, all blazing in green, blue and white... it does have its appeal.

Convicts, Oak Trees and Archaeology - the first historical information sign. Recently refurbished by Canberra Tracks, this sign looks different to the one displayed as part of the portal. it marks where the convict labourers were barracked on the Palmerville property. This portal doubles as a gym.

 Horse Trough - the second historical information sign, also recently refurbished, although it looks identical to the original. This sign marks the remains of an old horsetrough, and where Palmerville's woolshed once stood. This portal doubles as a pokestop.

The Infamous 'Ginninderra Eleven' - is the third historical information sign along the track. Like the others, it has been recently refurbished. The 'Ginninderra Eleven' were a cricket team established by Palmerville's manager, William Davis. So, if you're a cricket-loving Australian, this site is of particular cultural importance, given the way most Australians feel about the sport. This portal is also the third Pokemon Go gym in the park.

Fateful Ginninderra Creek - is the last historical information sign on the track. Recently refurbished, like the rest, the sign explains the origin of the creek's name and commemorates the death of Palmerville's owner, Edward Crace, when he tried to cross the creek when it was in flood. This portal is also the final pokestop in the park. This is the last and final pokestop in the park.

The trail continues for another 100-200 metres across this bridge, and can be a little tricky to navigate after rain.

Across Owen Dixon Drive stands the Belconnen Soccer Club, which is home to two Ingress portals (The Soccer Club, and Belco Blue Croc), and one pokestop (The Soccer Club). Both can be accessed by crossing the road, and standing in the public space outside the club grounds, although there are days when scanner drift makes The Soccer Club portal just out of range.


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