Today's Ingress Medal: Gold Liberator

Yesterday, I noticed I was 36 portal captures short of the 5,000 needed for the gold level of the Liberator medal, so I had a look around for a concentration of grey or green, and saw that Gold Creek suited the requirements nicely. Reachable by bus, this historical village houses the Australian Dinosaur Museum, Cockington Green Miniatures Garden, and the Australian Reptile Museum, among other attractions. On Sundays, it is serviced by two buses running around a half hour apart between the two major suburban centres of Gungahlin and Belconnen.

It was a beautiful day for a Canberra winter, and I had to go for my walk. I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, and thirteen degrees Celsius, with only a light breeze, is great weather for walking in. By the end of an hour, I had covered what I needed, and was seriously short of resonators.

Not a bad way to start the week.


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