Released for Pre-Order: Volume 3 of 2014's Short Work

Finally! This collection took its own sweet time coming together, but I finalised the last edit and upload, today. It's chock-full of fantasy, with a strong focus on trolls, pixies, and dragons, and includes many of the short pieces that helped me build the pixie-dust and troll-hunter settings.

You can currently find it up for pre-order on Smashwords, and it's ready for distribution via Draft2Digital, CreateSpace, DriveThruFiction, and Amazon. There is a print-on-demand version in both large-print and mass-market paperback coming, too.

A collection of flash fiction, short stories, poems and essays where the genres of fantasy and urban fantasy explore depression, fear, facing the unexpected, and working through difficult situations. It is of adapting to a changing world, to dealing with fear, and about exploring a world where trolls, pixies, unicorns and fairies might be real. This collection is about the myths of the world, the fairytale world, the never was, and might have been.


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